
What the closest city to vault 111 fallout shelter
What the closest city to vault 111 fallout shelter

what the closest city to vault 111 fallout shelter

To maximize the income of chosen resource, wait until the timer resets.Fallout is a media franchise of post-apocalyptic role-playing video games-and later action role-playing games-created by Tim Cain, at Interplay Entertainment. This also allows your Dwellers to gain experience and level up a bit more, but this all comes with bad price if you Rush your Dwellers constantly. Rushing can help speed up the time it takes to produce valuable resources for your Vault, especially if you need to boost up a specific resource to prevent anything bad from happening. This comes with both positive and negative effects that can greatly influence your Vault. When you create a room that can gather resources for your Vault, you have the option to cause your Dwellers to Rush while working in it. Sometimes a multitalented dweller may be suited for one critical job to keep things stable in your vault, so don’t overlook that and miss out on precious resources. If you constantly check and keep track of SPECIAL stats on each Dweller, you can come up with the best choice for where to place them. Try to move Dwellers into areas where they will level up the fastest and obtain the most resources for your Vault. By placing a Dweller that's higher in the SPECIAL stat which the room has, you'll decrease that timer and the dweller will level up faster. Each resource room has a timer that will count down to when you can gather from it, and each room also has a SPECIAL stat. Its very important to note which room a Dweller is best suited to be placed in. Dweller Work Stats Pic01.jpg Carefully Plan Each Dweller’s Placement

What the closest city to vault 111 fallout shelter